Saturday, October 30, 2021
Dogs in Motion
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Variety is the Spice of Life
30 years later, I still hear my chiropractic mentor, Dr. Getzoff, saying to me "Donna, I don't care what technique you use because they all work." Dr. Getzoff used SOT, Sacral Occipital Technique, which I also went on to become advanced certified in and continue to use as part of my technique package to help people and animals. I also remember a fellow teacher, horse owner and Epona instructor Bari Bannister telling me that she mixes 3 different kinds of feed for her horses because what one is lacking the other(s) make up for it. Thus making a well balanced feed. Bari used to say that once you start isolating and changing one supplement here and there you can throw off the entire balance of the feed.
This all got me thinking that we can do the same to ourselves by fixating on one healing modality as having all the answers. By fixating or narrowing our approach, we can ultimately be causing a restriction, constriction of our body tissues, energies and thoughts....... For instance, if I only had a hammer then my only way to fix anything is either hit or if I was lucky enough to have a claw hammer I could also pull certain things out of a given size. But still, my options for use is limited. A hammer is ok for use on surfaces that are hard but not appropriate for using to remove a lump from a sofa cushion. You get my point. Also, if you only have a hammer in your tool belt you will only develop muscles associated with using a hammer. Very different than the muscles you engage when using a screw driver.
Personally, I have found in my own health journey that Variety is the Spice of Life. For instance, I might do Tai Chi/QiGong for a week or so then change and do Donna Eden's daily energy routine, then switch and do a different TaiChi/QiGong style, ride a bike, walk on a trampoline, do body rolling.......
To think one form of exercise or body work will provide me with all I need to stay healthy and balanced is not accurate. Many clients ask about Yoga, Alexander Technique, Pilates or even other chiropractic techniques wanting to know which is the best. I do not believe there is a BEST. Each technique has advantages, disadvantages, strengths and weaknesses as to what they can and can not do. Digging your heals in and defending only 1 actually creates rigidity and
imbalance in the body, mind and spirit. The exact opposite as to what you are ultimately trying to accomplish which is strength, flexibility, adaptability while trying to achieve optimal health.
Loosen your thoughts and beliefs then watch and experience your body and mind follow.