Sunday, May 29, 2022

What Motivates You?

 Have you ever thought about what really motivates you to do what you do?

I want to share with you a very short, yet powerful video from an amazing woman - Victoria Lebalme.  She lectures and coaches individuals how to be their best and give powerful speeches and lectures. 

Victoria Lebalme - What is your Throughline?

Friday, May 27, 2022

Gracefully Aging: from Spike's Book of Life's Lessons

                                                                   Art by Mia Bosna

Spike says there is no more need to push.

Just be - it is ok.

You don't have to push anymore, it is not a sign of weakness.

The secret to the second half of life is about being content.

Knowing you are safe, secure, content.

Still do all you are meant to do. 

Do what makes you feel good, feel happy.

You have nothing to prove.

No need to anxiously pursue with hard forward energy driving forward. 

Walk, move with decisiveness.

You are being divinely guided  - Just as you asked.

It does not have to be difficult. 

Take a breath in, exhale out - it is that simple. 

Exhale out and leave behind all that is not yours (thoughts, beliefs, struggles, ideals, ideas)

Inhale in YOUR life and all that comes with it. 

You are standing on solid ground. It is just different ground. 

This ground supports you.  It is solid, safe, loving reasonably predictable, loving, supportive, smooth. 

Embrace the new. 

Embrace this gift I give you. 

We each have new roles. Embrace this new chapter of Life.

Trust this process. 

All will be easy now.