Friday, December 31, 2021

Deep Thoughts Culminating a Unique year

 Why is this time so scary?

Why is this time so different?

Sickness has never scared me before, why now?

Is it real fear or society induced fear?

Life can end at any moment. Life can change on a dime. This has always been true.

Is it because everything is turned upside down? Red is no longer red. Blue is no longer blue. Top is bottom and bottom is top. Truths are lies and lies are truths.

How does one stay steady in a turbulent sea?

How does one have the strength to weather the storm?

Is my hull strong enough?

The isolation is comforting, but isn't their strength in numbers? Maybe the number is 2. Me and You.

Two footprints in the sand and sometimes there is only one set, is that when you are carrying me.....