Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Have the courage to do the right thing


I have been wondering lately why people and society have such a hard time doing the right thing.  Simple things like acting nice,  talking nicely to others,  treating others with respect, lending a helping hand,  a sympathetic ear.  Today,  I felt like many people of all walks of life are so self absorbed and only looking out for themselves.  They are willing to compromise all ethics and integrity to succeed.  Succeed,  what does that mean really?   Definition of succeed : to achieve the desired aim or result; take over a throne, office or other position; to happen or terminate according to desire; to accomplish an aim in the manner desired.   It is sad that this now comes at all cost. It occurs many times without regard to others.

I see so many instances where smart people, influential people rationalize their actions to justify their success.   

Why has it become unpopular to do the right thing.  Why has it become unpopular to be honest, humble, truthful, decent.  Why are those trying to live a good life looked upon as weak?  

It takes massive amounts of courage to be true to yourself and take other's into consideration.  It is much easier to mow a field by running over everything but it takes longer to go around the trees or even stop and pick up a stray turtle.  Are we too busy to care anymore?

Think of this  - Every one of our actions, words or inactions has the ability to impact another person, place, thing, or animal.  A simple smile to a passing stranger might have the ability to change the course of their day or their life.  Having the courage to do good, be good can effect more than we can even imagine.  Like dropping a pebble in a pond the ripples go out in all directions on the surface and below with far reaching effects.  

I believe we all need to be mindful of our words and actions and consider their consequences on every one and every thing around us.  Yes we are individuals, yet, do not live in a bubble or vacuum.  Have the courage to be your best and do good.  

This post was inspired by a random act of kindness and paying it forward we encountered this weekend while eating in a little cafe in Stroudsburg, PA called The Cure.  Our brunch tab was picked up by a fellow patron.  Turns out someone had started the chain reaction of paying it forward earlier in the day,  and to keep the gift moving forward we did the same.  What a beautiful place and energy to visit and a business worth supporting.